The Whiskey Connoisseur's Dilemma: Choosing the Ultimate Michter's Dram

Delve into the world of Michter's whiskey with our humorous take on choosing the ultimate dram. Join us as we navigate the complexities of whiskey selection with wit and charm.
The Whiskey Connoisseur's Dilemma: Choosing the Ultimate Michter's Dram

The Whiskey Connoisseur’s Dilemma: Choosing the Ultimate Michter’s Dram

In a world filled with choices, one question haunts us all - which Michter’s whiskey should we savor before we depart this mortal coil? At the Nassau Paradise Island Wine and Food Fest’s Michter’s tasting event, hosted by The Dilly Club, our intrepid reporter had the chance to delve into this existential quandary.

We caught up with Dan McKee, the esteemed master distiller at Michter’s, to seek his wisdom on the matter. When asked to pinpoint the one bottle of Michter’s whiskey that reigns supreme, McKee paused, a glint of contemplation in his eyes. ‘Wow, that’s a hard one,’ he mused, acknowledging the gravity of the decision.

Whiskey, as McKee eloquently put it, is akin to a master distiller’s offspring. ‘Well, I always say my mom had a favorite among the four of us, but I enjoy the rye,’ he shared. Rye whiskey, heralded as America’s oldest whiskey variant, boasts a spicy profile with a lingering heat that tantalizes the palate.

‘If you’re looking for something truly special, the celebration sour mash whiskey is a must-try,’ McKee recommended. This unique concoction, reminiscent of the process of crafting sourdough bread, involves using previously fermented mash as a starter for the new batch, akin to a baker nurturing a sourdough culture.

But the choices don’t end there. McKee’s eyes lit up as he extolled the virtues of the 10-year rye, a personal favorite imbued with warmth and spice, featuring notes of cinnamon, crushed peppers, toffee, vanilla, and a subtle citrus undertone.

While McKee’s recommendations offer a tantalizing array of flavors and experiences, our hearts resonate with his endorsement of the sour mash whiskey. A symphony of sweetness, smoke, and spice, this elixir delights with hints of honeyed vanilla and candied cherries, a true testament to Michter’s craftsmanship.

In a world brimming with choices, let McKee’s guidance serve as a compass, steering you towards the perfect Michter’s dram to savor and cherish.

About the Author

Renowned for uncovering hidden treasures in the whiskey realm, Sylvia West is a dedicated journalist with an unquenchable thirst for the finest dram.