The Cultural Shift: How Drinks Brands Can Tap into the Younger Generation

Discover how cultural savviness is the key to unlocking the younger generation of drinkers. From spotting trends and shifts in consumer behavior to embracing great storytelling, find out how drinks brands can stay ahead of the curve.
The Cultural Shift: How Drinks Brands Can Tap into the Younger Generation
Photo by Mailchimp on Unsplash

Why is Cultural Savviness the Key to Unlocking the Younger Generation of Drinkers?

The rules of the alcohol sector have been set in stone for far too long. The traditional approach of emphasizing quality and luxury branding just isn’t enough to cut it with the younger generation of drinkers. So, what’s changed? The answer lies in the growing cultural savviness of millennials and Gen Z.

These young consumers approach consumption with a distinct cultural awareness, and they expect the brands they engage with to reflect this. In order to stand out, drinks brands need to be at the forefront of culture, spotting trends and shifts in consumer behavior.

To remain relevant, alcohol brands should be consuming and outputting culture in all its facets. This means identifying moments in culture as they play out and reacting to them through their brand in real-time. Whether it’s a quickfire reaction to a viral trend or a slower burn like the post-pandemic desire to reconnect with nature, brands need to be agile and adaptable.

Image: Culture and Trends

The Celebrity’s Changing Role

In the past, brands could get away with plucking out any A-lister to head up a campaign, but today’s consumers are fatigued with this approach. The luxury fashion sector has picked up on this and is setting an example with a fresher, culture-led approach. Drinks brands can learn from this by partnering with social media stars and influencers who are on the pulse of cultural trends.

Sober Curious Culture

The huge surge in sober curiosity, led by Gen Z, is a challenge for the drinks industry. However, it also presents an opportunity for brands to create a desirable brand world that allows consumers to live in a way that aligns with their values. This means tapping into culture and creating brand experiences that are authentic and engaging.


To thrive in times of uncertainty and generational change, drinks brands need to embrace the merit of great storytelling. Consumers don’t want copy and paste brands; they want brands that think and behave differently. By embracing cultural savviness and staying ahead of the curve, drinks brands can find their nuance, cut through the noise, and tell their stories in a way that resonates with their consumers.

Image: Drinks Brands

The Future of the Drinks Industry

As the drinks industry continues to evolve, one thing is clear: cultural savviness is key to unlocking the younger generation of drinkers. By embracing this cultural shift, drinks brands can stay ahead of the curve and create brand experiences that are authentic, engaging, and desirable.

Image: Future of Drinks